January 22, 2013

I'll Just Keep Dancing

Let's blame it on me drinking coffee today for the first time since Finals or the gorgeous day outside, but I'm in a positively glowing mood. When I wake up in one of these moods it's hard for me to imagine life being anything other than perfect. 

Carl stayed out all night with friends, I didn't care! I woke up when my alarm went off, still tired, but I didn't care! My planned outfit is a bit too warm for such a nice day and I have a stain on the sleeve, I didn't care! In a couple hours I have a three hour class and then a staff meeting, I don't care! 

Cares are a funny thing. Some days I am overrun by them. They are all I can notice, the dishes not done, the carpet not vacuumed. The insane amount of reading I have assigned, the ridiculous debt I have accumulated.  

And then some days like today I just don't notice anything. It is a day when I am so overwhelmingly happy to be alive that I jam to Airborne in my office, dancing for all my residents to see. I'd love to know the secret of them so that I can make these days happen more often, but until then I'll just keep dancing. 

Do I really have any other option? If Shopenhauer heard me saying this he would smite me for my poor style and even worse philosophy but today I just don't care.

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