July 9, 2013

Freelance Writing....For Real This TIme

Today I went into a meeting at City Hall. (dun-dun-dun!) No I'm not in trouble (shocking, yes?). About a month ago I went to a Greeley Young Professionals Meeting in which the City of Greeley unveiled their newest ad campaign entitled "Greeley Unexpected".

I won't lie. I was incredibly impressed by it. It was exactly what Greeley needed. Not an image revamp, but a closer look at what makes Greeley what it is and why we as patrons and citizens of the city should invest ourselves more into it. Afterwards I talked to the woman who presented and told her just that. Somehow we ended up talking shop and there I was sitting in her office today, nervous as heck, sweaty from the drive without A.C. in Brutto and of course exhausted.

And she asked me the most beautiful question a writer could ever hope to hear "Would you be willing to do some writing for our blog?"


She asked me a few more questions concerning my schedule and what sort of experience I have. Namely, am I comfortable in front of a camera? From my days in the legislature (both working and testifiying) and as an intern for the Montana Cowboy Poetry Festival doing t.v. commercials and radio interviews you could say I am.

I've been in a slump lately. I won't lie. I don't like my jobs (100% because they don't do anything to further my career) and I'm burned out. Yet today, all those seemingly small things I did in the past prepared me for today, getting one of my first freelance projects. Hearing words like reference letters and portfolios? I'm a big kid! And maybe, all those days I've spent working for Housing and IT will prepare me again in the future.

All of this to say I need to warm up my blogging fingers because it has really been awhile since I devoted any sort of time to the blog realm of writing. I've had a pretty serious itch lately to start fashion blogging. I check my blog lovin' feed on the daily, and I know I dress well enough. The main thing getting in my way?

A camera! With just a phone camera and a mirror that shows my rat cage and generally my dog chewing a bone behind me it doesn't really capture the image I'm looking for. So that's something I'm working on figuring out. Dadblammit if I'm going to waste my life at dead end jobs I may as well get some time in researching while I'm at it!

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