October 28, 2013

NaNoWriMo Countdown

NaNoWriMo starts on Friday guys! That means I am a mere 4 days away from starting a novel. I am absolutely determined this year. I have no idea what I will be writing yet, and plan to keep it that way. I do think I may end up writing something Dystopian or maybe a political satire. When I sit down at my laptop on Friday, I want to start whatever comes to me. I'm toying with the idea of a screenplay, or something different than what I usually do. Whatever it is I am beyond excited for it, and I plan on sharing bits and pieces right here.

Who knows.

I could be writing the next Hunger Games.

October 14, 2013

Not One of Those Days

Everyone around me has begun writing. My very best friend is a playwright/screenwriter, my boyfriend is a novelist. I naturally surround myself with incredibly creative people, and most days i love it. Today is not one of those days.

I've whined (read: bitched) about that a lot on this blog, other forms of social media, and out loud, but I just can't seem to get over this pity party. So I see things like the above quote and I think "I'll write on my blog about that!" And here I am, having a pity party again.

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, I love them o so dearly. I love their creative spark, I love their drive, I love their passion. I just hate being the one in the bunch who never does any writing, who doesn't even try!!! NANOWRIMO comes up in just two short weeks and I know I'll be going through a period of guilt all month for not doing it. Again. Same as I haven't for the last 6 years. But I want to. I really do. That want just isn't enough for it to happen I guess.

October 10, 2013

Leftie Trapped Inside A Righties Body

I have been sitting on this blog post for awhile now. I had the words and the title. I just don't think i wanted to commit it to words, and thus eternity.

Has anyone outside of Northern Colorado heard that Jimmy Johns commercial, with the fast talking guy and the crying baby? At the end he talks about the man being a left handed man, stuck in a right handed mans body, so he always picks the sandwich up with the left hand. I have been wondering a lot lately about this phenomenon. The idea of something in our soul, spirit, or heart being completely counter-intuitive to what we are in the physical realm.

I grew up in a family gifted in the arts. My mother is a fantastic write and singer. My brothers Greg is an artist, one of the best I have ever seen. My brother Justin is a beautiful musician. Justin has scientific talents as well, but somehow he portrays them in this thought-provoking artistic way. If you ever see him put together a computer you will understand.

I, growing up in this family, am not artistic. I can't speak a foreign language (an art in and of itself). I can't draw. I can't sing. I can't play an instrument. I have fancied myself a writer my entire life. I thought it was my one artistic talent. I call myself a writer, I introduce myself as a writer, I aspire to be a writer. But at the end of the day. I'm not.

I have thousands of sentences in various notebooks, electronic notepads, and sitting in my brain, that I promise I will turn into a book someday. But I never do. In fact, I know I'll never do it. But I'm a writer! That's what we do. We turn ideas into books, articles, short stories, poems. I don't.

I have a love for theater, photography, art, music, etc. I love it all. I love the arts. I'm passionate about them. I always promise I'll get involved in theater again. After all, my brief stint in theater means I'm an actress at heart. When I see photojournalism spreads I yearn to also be a photojournalist. Just like I take philosophy, geology, music, etc classes and think I'm going to be the next big philospher or geologist. I appreciate it all so very much, I mistake it for fate.

I have been thinking more and more lately that I was never meant to be a writer, or any other type of artist.

I like math. I like science. I like knowing how things work. I like the order and organization that comes with all of it. I like knowing that 2+2 always equals four. In fact I love that about the sciences.

I'm a scientific person trapped inside an artists body. And that scares the every loving hell out of me. After 23 years of pursuing this dream of art, I'm now afraid I'll never follow through, not because I lack inspiration, but because I lack the actual skills to do so.

Where do I go from here? I'm not sure. People are telling me to just pick a different masters program and go into the sciences, but just when I start to consider it, I hear beautiful music, or I read words that change me, and I can't, I just can't let go of this goal to be an artist.

September 19, 2013

What To Do About This Whole Blogging Thing

I admit it. I'm a failure as a blogger. I keep ideas on my tablet, I think about making outfit posts, and I follow all my favorite blogs religiously.

But when it actually comes to making the posts I fail. Yea, I have a lot of excuses. I'm taking 18 credits of HARD classes this semester. I'm working nearly full time as well. And of course I have to sleep and eat. (though I find myself forgetting to do both of those a lot).

I don't have an excuse though. Blogging is something I love. As is fashion, politics and all the other things that I plan to blog about. So yea. I could blame it all on being busy, but the truth of that is that I need to take some me time for the things that I love. I get in trouble with le Fella all the time for not taking enough me time and focusing all my energy on work and school. So, perhaps I'll just be a MWF blogger, or a TTH blogger. You know, because I stay on campus all day in the library in front of the computers. So it can't be that hard to study for 30 minutes less and blog for 30 minutes more.

I guess this is my attempt. I just got out of a presentation in my Electoral Politics class which is taught by the chair of my department. Insert major nerves there. But I think I rocked it. My speech skills were right on par, I had good information and I looked absolutely smashing. Of course, I'm in the library so I can't take a full length photo, but I promise the look is absolutely smashing! Two more classes today and then I'm having a much needed date night with Fella.

August 17, 2013

We Shouldn't Give The Words More GroupLove Than Necessary

I started this blog because I thought if I blogged things I really cared about, I would be more likely to write. Well, I thought I really cared about my walk with Christ, my depression and my fashion. Well, if the brevity and general absence of my posts says anything, then I guess I don't care about those things.

But I do. I guess I have finally learned that just because I don't write every day, that doesn't mean I'm not a writer. The fact that I see the world in words and not pictures. Because I do. I see everything not by a brush stroke but a collection of letters so intent on having a meaning that they do not consider their own individuality.

This is why I am a writer. And that is why I am finally okay with leaving this post with no more words than this.

July 20, 2013

Closet Essentials and Mad Men Dreams

Hello all!

I'm so sorry for my absence as of late. It's been a rather busy week between the two jobs and getting my fall schedule aligned between the two and school as well!

Anyways, I found this on pinterest today and I think it is a spectacular list to use as a jumping off point. Any other additions can be bits and pieces that describe your personality. I printed it out and broke it all down into items that I already have, items I need, and items I both want and need! Surprisingly, I already have over half of the items. The only ones I need are small statement pieces. I'm pretty proud of how much I have improved my closet over the past year.

Anyways, I'm at work watching Mad Men  and dreaming of the days where a trip to the grocery store warranted heels and a hat. You know, every time I fly I think of the days when stewardesses were the classiest working gals around and a trip meant you dressed up out of respect. During my college experience I have tried to pull a little inspiration from that into my wardrobe and I think I'm starting to be fairly well known as the "girl who dresses for success". You wouldn't believe how many professors automatically respect me just because I walk into class in a pencil skirt, blouse and heels.

That said, I'm finding myself inspired to cut my hair into a bob and buy some white gloves. Would that be terribly out of place or what?

-Emily Jo

July 16, 2013

Tuesday Threads

I'm working the late shift tonight, meaning I need some extreme comfort. However, I still work with all the higher ups for a few hours so I had to look a *little* bit more professional than my idea of real comfort. So here's my "working late, but still trying to look decent" look for Tuesday!

Not bad, but I wish I had taken a little bit more care.My favorite thing about these jeans is that they are so easy to dress up or down. Plus they're extremely comfy. Slap some heels on and it's a win-win!

July 15, 2013

Funeral OOTD

I received rather mixed reviews when I researched if it was okay to wear white to a funeral. Some said black or grey, some said jewel tones, some said wear whatever you want.

Not exactly the precise answer I was looking for. As I stood in front of my closet this morning, running late, of course, I found myself still drawn to wearing this dress. I feel like it is the perfect combination of class and modern thought. I guess that's what I would want to exude at a funeral, rather than sorrow.

Well. I guess I'll see. The funeral is for a dear friends mother. She was quite the lady and I'm honored to be able to celebrate her life today.

July 12, 2013

Friday Finds

  • A coworker showed me this today. Basically it's how they used to teach ambassador's foreign langauges. Since I've been on such a kick lately about reading Philosophy in the original Greek/Latin/German/French/etc this totally made my day! Even better, the text comes in a PDF file so I can put it on my kindle!
  • I saw this on Pinterest earlier in the week and it spoke to me on so many levels. Not just my own training in Muay Thai, but also my work life, my home life, and especially my writing life. 
  • Belle of Capitol Hill Style shared this website on her blog today and I immediately snatched it right up. I love it not only for all the wedding stuff, but the graphic design on the website is absolutely amazing. 

    What gems have you all found this week? It's been a really inspirational week for me between fashion, writing and job opportunities I can't complain!

Friday Shoutout!

I really must just spread my love of all things One Note.

When I was a Freshman in college one of my room mates told me she used it for recipes. And I thought why not just use Word? But then I started and now I just can't stop! It is just the sort of organized chaos I need in my life right now. Not only is it amazing because it has different sections for all the things I love taking notes about (work, fashion, writing, etc) but it has sections within sections!

I have a great chunk of it devoted to my writing (ideas, prompts, philosophy, dystopian societies, etc) but also a great little chunk on fashion. I love taking screen clippings from my favorite blogs and adding them to my work looks section or from Pinterest for my "going out" section. Not to mention the screen clippings of Hair ideas from everywhere!

One Note has made a huge difference for this chaotic country girl. The organization is just what I needed to become the classy lady I always dreamed of being. Now if I can just remember to wash the grease off my arms before I go to work...but that's a story for another day!

These opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation from Microsoft or any subsidiary of Microsoft.